I almost feel hungover from all the excitement over this last weekend. It was so great to see so many early-birds pre-ordering vinyl and CDs for the new album.
American Standard Time kicked off the party premiering the new video/single “Baby You’re A Faker.” americanstandardtime.com/videos/dolour-baby-youre-a-faker-video-premier
And then later in the day Goldmine Magazine shared a great write-up for The Royal We and included it in their ongoing “best of 2020” series! goldminemag.com/power-pop-plus/power-pop-plus-more-of-the-best-of-2020-plus
Be sure to check out the Jebb and Green Cast podcast interview that came out earlier in the week youtube.com/watch?v=vOA-OkyHwaI and my recent interview with The Netherlands’ Sweet Sweet Music Blog if you want to know more about the new album sweetsweetmusicblog.wordpress.com/2021/01/14/dolour-televangelist
I’m feeling y’all’s love and I’m sending it back to ya!